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Designation of a non-smoking leading company in Gunsan Plant

Designation of a non-smoking leading company in Gunsan Plant

The Gunsan plant was selected as a non-smoking leading company in Jeonbuk, and a ceremony was held on Wednesday.

At the event, which was held by eight people, including factory director Lee Hyo-seop and Oh Kyung-jae, head of the North Jeonbuk Non-smoking Support Center, the company shared the results and achievements of the 2019 anti-smoking project by the Jeonbuk Smoking Support Center and signed a business agreement to establish an organic cooperative system for mutual development and health of the two organizations.

In particular, more than 50 percent of all smokers participated in the campaign for more than a year, and 25 percent of the participants succeeded in quitting smoking. In recognition of the management's active efforts and interest in creating an anti-smoking atmosphere in the organization, the company was selected as a non-smoking leading company in North Jeolla Province this year.
At the event, Lee Hyo-seob, head of the factory, expressed his will to contribute to improving the health of the community by reducing the smoking rate of Jeonbuk residents as well as executives and employees by joining forces with the anti-smoking business organizations.

Meanwhile, the anti-smoking project inJeonbuk is being carried out with the aim of reducing smoking rates and improving health levels in the local community, providing a direct anti-smoking support service for small businesses with fewer than 300 employees.