
TORAY 도레이첨단소재

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Toray Advanced Materials Korea appointed New CEO Kim Young-seop

도레이첨단소재, 김영섭 대표이사<br>사장 CEO 신규 선임
Toray Advanced Materials Korea(TAK) announced that it has appointed a new President and CEO Kim Young-seop, in its regular executive reshuffle for 2024.

CEO Kim Young-seop is evaluated as the right person to lead the sustainable growth of Toray Advanced Materials Korea for his achievements in a wide range of fields, including R&amp;D, Sales, and Planning, and has been recognized for his management ability.

In addition, He is expected to strengthen the dynamism of the organization by leading the improvement of competitiveness of existing businesses and early stabilization of new businesses in response to the rapidly changing environment through bold innovation and strong driving force.

Regarding this executive reshuffle, Toray Advanced Materials Korea emphasized that it selected leaders with outstanding capabilities and expertise to overcome uncertainty in the business and strengthen the foundation for sustainable growth.

Meanwhile, former CEO Jeon Hae-sang has been promoted to vice president and will oversee the company's R&amp;D establishing an innovative its system and focusing on developing new materials that will lead the global market.