
TORAY 도레이첨단소재

Sustainability management

Safety and environment management

We make a safe workplace for everyone by diagnosing and preventing risk factors.
Everyone at Toray Advanced Materials, from the CEO to field workers, is participating in safety management. We are striving to find and improve risk factors for the safety of ourselves and our colleagues, and make a safe workplace. In addition, we are actively supporting the increase of safety level of all our partners. Also, we are making efforts to improve the quality of life of all employees by operating various health promotion programs.


Conducted safety diagnosis when introducing new equipment​
Operate the disaster control center round the clock throughout the year​​

Checked risks in advance and take preventive actions
Held regular safety meetings with representatives of vendors


Operated a dispensary to manage people with symptoms and provide health counseling, etc.​

Provided employee healthcare programs (e.g. smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes) in connection with local health centers
Regularly measured work environment (once every 6 months)​


Organized a fire brigade and conducted regular fire drills to quickly respond to fire​

Trained experts through external firefighting education​
Conducted regular inspection on firefighting facilities


Acquired Grade P, the highest grade, in Process Safety Management (PSM) 2018

Submitted process safety data, process risk assessment reports and safe operation, emergency operation plans, etc.