We are looking forward to building
the future together with global talent

Nurturing Talent​

TORAY Training Program

Toray Advanced Materials Korea nurtures global capabili-ties and
enhances understanding of Toray’s management policies and our own
global operation through various education program or Toray Group, a world-class com-

  1. Toray Group Training
    Toray Group provides a place for exchanges where core
    workforce gather together, share management issues and
    ceate a global network.
    TGES (TORAY Group Executive Seminar)
    We promote Toray Group’s management policies and
    long-term strategies at each branch company,
    and create a close network among branch companies abroad.
  2. Trainig for Assistant Managers /
    Low-level Excutive Officers
    (TORAY Trainee Program)
    We select excellent workforce equipped with professional knowledge and potential capabilities, and offer a foundation for their growth into the core executive officers in the future.
    Toray Technological Training
    We dispatch employees to major branch companies abroad and nurture our core technological workforce to establish technology development strategies, study markets, and benchmark advanced R&D system.

Capabilities Development

We provide systematically intergrated program for efficient task performance based on in-depth and professional expertise, and provide assistance for enhancing expertise and management capabilities.

  1. Next-generation Leaders
    We have master’s degree program as a course for nurturing workforce and securing leaders, and encourage core management capabilities for future growth. - MBA, Industrial Graduate School, Business Management Course for CEOs, etc.
    Professional Capability Development
    We nurture excellent workforce equipped with knowledge and working ability through knowledge and skill development system necessary for each task. - Production Technology Development System, Business Education System,
    R&D Development System, etc.
  2. Experts
    We provide systematic training program necessary for efficient task performance based on expertise. - Professional Training Program, Support for Certificates Acquirement,
    Training for Degree Acquirement, etc

Global Communication

We enhance global communication capabilities that can understand and appropriately respond to various culture in line with the highly competitive world while establish our own open and horizontal communication culture.

  1. Language Training Abroad
    We select employees who need foreign language skills and provide intensive language courses at professional institutes.
    - English/Japanese/Chinese/Other Foreign Languages
    Corporate Revitalization Program
    We have programs to help employees balance work and
    families, pursue happiness, and create a place for getting together to encourage communication among departments. -Arts Course for Employees and their Spouses, Camp for the Youth (Employees’ Children), Corporate Events (Let us move forward.), Sports Events, etc.
  2. Globalization Program
    We set up various supporting programs to enhance global communication capabilities, and provide customized language courses. - Corporate ESL Course, Support Language Program from Private Academies, CyberㆍMobile Course Support

Program for
New Employees

Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc helps new employees to well adjust to working lives by providing various programs for tasks and non-tasks areas.

  1. Introduction
    We nurture our own excellent workforce with a sense of solidarity and emotional bond and loyalty to company by sharing our vision, core value and educating
    basic necessary working capabilities and enhancing teamwork. - Training in and abroad, On-site Practice, etc.
    Follow-up Training for First-year Employees
    We provide a foundation that first-year employees can create future plans and grow into middle-grade employees by reviewing working lives for the last 1 year.
  2. S-Totoring (SOJT · Mentoring)
    It is a new hire onboarding program that provides systematic OJT (on-the-job training) and mentoring to help newly hired employees acquire KSA (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude), form personal network within the company and share knowledge and experience together.