Ethical management
Human rights policy
We at Toray Advanced Materials Korea endeavor to fulfill our duty of respect for human rights as a good corporate citizen based on the provisions on human rights in Toray Industries’ Business Ethics and our Code of Compliance and Business Conduct.
We also respect the international standards on human rights and labor, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s standards, and work in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations on labor in countries and regions where we operate.
Furthermore, we ensure that our policies are shared with all the stakeholders directly affected by our business activities, including our members, customers and partners, for their higher awareness and broader adoption.
To this end, we hereby declare our human rights policies as are set out below.
- 1. Humane Treatment
- We are committed to treating all our members with dignity and providing a sound workplace free from any inhumane treatment or threat, including psychological or physical coercion, abusive language and sexual harassment.
- 2. No Forced and Child Labor
- We do not force anyone to work for us against their free will by restraining them psychologically or physically by means of violence, threatening, detention, human trafficking and others. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations on employment and labor in countries where we operate. We forbid labor by anyone under 16 years of age in any case. If we need to employ someone under 18 years of age, we will ensure that no job that might be harmful in terms of safety or health is assigned to him/her.
- 3. No Discrimination
- We will not discriminate unreasonably against anyone in our human resource management, including recruiting, promotion, pay and training opportunities based on sex, nationality, origin, race, religion, disability or social status and will provide opportunities on an equal footing and respect diversity.
- 4. Compliance with Labor Standards
- We will honor the provisions on regular working hours, overtime work and leave contained in the applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we operate. We will not force anyone to work beyond the statutory working hours. We will also ensure that overtime work is paid in full in accordance with the applicable law(s).
- 5. Wages and Welfare
- We will pay our members beyond the minimum wage level stipulated in the applicable law in the countries and regions where we operate.
- 6. Protection of Employee Rights
- We are committed to providing an opportunity and an environment for our members to communicate with the company to help create a sound corporate culture. We also guarantee the freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- 7. Safety and Health
- We ensure that all our members can work in a safe environment and that anything identified that might compromise safety is fully addressed.
- 8. Responsible Supply Chain Management
- We ensure that all our suppliers and business partners comply with their obligations to human rights protection.
- 9. Protection of Customers’ Human Rights
- In delivering our products and services, all of our members should put customer’s life, health and property ahead of everything else and take the best measures possible to protect their personal data collected as part of our business operation.
CEO of Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. Kim Young-Seop