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Donation to help neighbors in Gumi City for community sharing

Donation to help neighbors in Gumi City for community sharing

Toray Advanced Materials Korea(TAK) donated 10 million won to help neighbors with the sincerity of executives and employees at the International Trade and Cooperation Office of Gumi City Hall on January 21st.

Lee Byung-guk, head of the Gumi plant, Lim Dong-seop, head of Gumi Human Resources, and Ha Hyun-tae, chairman of the union, attended the donation ceremony, and delivered donations voluntarily raised by executives and employees.

"Companies are important to generate profits, but TAK is always striving to revitalize the local economy and coexist with local residents," said Lee. "We will carry out various social contribution projects that Gumi citizens want."

Gumi Mayor Jang Se-yong replied, "Thank you for actively participating in sharing, and I hope that warm warmth will be delivered to our neighbors and become hope and courage to overcome life difficulties."

TAK has been volunteering voluntarily by executives and employees, and has donated donations to help neighbors every year.