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Donation of 'Braille Cube’ for Visually Impaired Children

Donation of 'Braille Cube’ for Visually Impaired Children

Toray Advanced Materials Korea (CEO Jeon Hae-sang) made Braille cube for the education of visually impaired children and donated it to the social welfare organization, Changemaker.

The Braille Cube is teaching tool that allows visually impaired children to learn braille easy and fun, and is also portable that they can access anytime and anywhere.

In addition, it is efficient for lowering the braille literacy for those who have acquired disabilities.

Employees who participated in the volunteer said, “It was meaningful time to understand and help the visually impaired while making the cubes with families and co-workers.”

Toray Advanced Materials Korea (TAK) said they will continue to practice sharing in the future by carrying out volunteer activities for the visually impaired, such as braille playbooks and posters every year.