- Company
A partner in innovation realizing a new tomorrow using the very best materials, Toray Advanced Materials is Korea Inc.
- 12
- Establish Mass Production System of KL-4 Polarizing Plate
- 10
- Implement National R&D Agenda: Structural Fusion Material Development
- 09
- Demo Production of GAG SHEET
- Grand Prize for Global Green Management, awarded 3 years consecutively
- Set up Task Force for Creating Company’s New Name and VISION 2020
- Certification for Excellent Plant for Leading Innovation
- 07
- Establish and Implement Voluntary Convention of Energy Management
- Establish Mass Production of KL-3 MLCC
- 06
- Selected as Joint Partner with Kyeongbuk Univ. for Nurturing Talents from Excellent Graduate School (BK-21)
- 05
- Construction of Technology ReseMarch Center
- Prize of 41st Korea’s CEO, Awarded to CEO Lee Yeoung-Kwan
- Conduct Innovative Workforce Nurturing Project, Hosted by Ministry by Education, Science and Technology
- 04
- Completion of Product Certification for Hard Coating of Mobile Devices
- Obtain World’s First Certification for new products (Low-CTE Products)
- 03
- Presidential Citation for 43rd Taxpayers’ Day
- 02
- Establish HR-Partner (Integrated Management System for HR and Education)
- 01
- Set up and Operate Experience Hall for Preventing Safety Accidents
- Obtain Eco-friendly Mark of PET N/P
- Product Quality Certification for SR PPF
- Completion of CL-9 Line of Site 3 Gumi Plant
- 12
- Prize for Volunteer Work at Gumi Mayor Award
- 11
- Introduction of Mentoring System
- 10
- Ribbon-cutting Ceremony of TorayPolytech(nantong)co.,Ltd.
- Selected as National Project of Inter-regional Technological Development by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy
- 07
- Opening Ceremony of Toray Group Advanced Materials ReseMarch Center
- Quality Certification and Sale of Home NCF (NCE)
- 06
- Grand Prize for Export at Samwoodang Textile and Fashion Award
- 05
- Launching Solar-light Power Generation at Gumi 1st Plant
- Installation of Digital Injury Record at Gumi 1st and 2nd Plants
- Donate Endowment from TPN and TSI Employees for Chinese Sichuan Earthquake (Development District, Nantong, China)
- 04
- Development and Production of Heavy Industrial PET Spun bond Nonwovens
- Authorization of Solar-light Power Project at Gumi plant 1
- 03
- Completion of TMK-1 Line Insoluble Renovation
- Selected as National Project Supporter for Cooperation Project of Large Companies and SMEs, hosted by Gumi National Industrial Complex
- Production of Release Film for PDP Greensheet tops
- Launching Production at China TPN PP Spunbond Non-wovens Plant
- Upgrade Personnel Management policies and System
- 02
- Authorization Completion by Samsung Electronic for Metaloyal Products
- 01
- Completion of FCCL Metaloyal Plants
- 12
- Prize for Volunteer Work at Gumi Mayor Award
- Donation of Oil Observant Fabric for West Coast Oil Spill
- Sign MOU for New Technology Transfer with Deagu Gyeongbuk Science and Technology Institute
- 11
- Implementation of International Financial Reporting System
- Grand Prize for Energy Saving in Gyeongsangbuk-do
- 09
- Grand Prize for Global Green Management
- Grand Prize for 6 Sigma Project
- 08
- Publication of 2007 Environmental Report
- Establish Enterprise Security System
- 07
- Completion of Film Processing Line Unit No7
- Installation of Gumi Plants’ Headquarters
- Accession to US NCRC
- 06
- Completion of Polyester Film Optical Exclusive Line
- Selected as Company for National Project Execution
- 05
- Selected as Supporting Company for National Project of Regional Innovation and HR Development : Develop Anti-fogging Sheet
- Completion of Film Processing Line Unit No8
- 01
- Completion of Film Processing Line Unit No6
- 12
- Citation Award for Voluntary Energy Convention
- Grand Prize for Gumi Green Owner
- Create Deadong Cluster (Cooperative Body of 15 Contracting Companies in Deagu)
- 11
- Presidential Citation Award for Innovative Production at 32nd National Quality Management Competition
- Bronze Prize to Bunim Team for Best Operational Practice at 32nd National Quality Management Competition
- Foundation of Non-wovens Branch Toray Polytechnic (Nantong) Co. Ltd. in China
- 10
- Grand Prize for Exemplary Foreign Company by Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice
- Entrance into 2 layered FCCL Metaloyal Business
- 09
- Volunteer Work from the Headquarters Office at Seoul Forest
- 06
- Honored at the ‘Hall of Fame’ for the Korea Productivity Award
- Grand Prize for 2006 Korea Productivity and Innovation Award
- 04
- Grand Prize for Product Quality at Korea Textile Materials Award
- Selected as Joint Partner with Youngnam University & Pohang University for Project of Nurturing Talents From Graduate Schools (BK-21)
- 03
- Entrance to the 'Ecodear' of Eco-friendly Materials PLA Sheet Business
- Implementation of Innovative Management for BEST-2010 (6 Sigma & TPS Activities)
- Completion of Film Processing Line Unit No5
- 01
- Completion of Waste Water Treatment Plant for Gumi Plant 3
- 12
- Order of Merit for Iron Tower Industry at 31st National Quality Management Competition
- 10
- Completion of Film Processing Line No4
- Development of Advanced Financial System SAFE
- 07
- Establish the subsidiary, Gumi Spuntech
- 06
- Grand Prize for Energy at Korea Productivity Award, Winning 5 Years Consecutively
- Ribbon-cutting Ceremony for Gumi Plant Site 3
- 05
- Completion for 1,4- Dioxin Treatment Facilities
- Obtain Authorization for PLA Environment Mark
- Authorization of National New Technology NT Mark
- 03
- Citation Prize for 39th Taxpayers’ Day, awarded by the Minister of Finance and Economy
- Set Up ReseMarch Team for the Introduction of 6 Sigma Activities
- 02
- Re-designated as Eco-friendly Company
- 01
- Grand Prize for Gumi Fire Fighting Competition